Important PBS Update
This notice is to advise that MabThera® IV (rituximab) solution for intravenous injection and Tarceva® (erlotinib) tablets will be removed from the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) from 1st April 2021. Roche’s decision to withdraw these products from the PBS is a result of local price reductions. There are no concerns regarding the safety or efficacy of these products. These medicines will continue to be registered with the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) for all of their currently approved indications.
To ensure patients can continue to obtain medications on the PBS and to avoid any potential patient disruption, HPS would like to provide the following advice.
- HPS already has agreements in place with Sandoz for Riximyo® and will have adequate access to PBS listed rituximab;
- From the week beginning the 22nd February, all patients prescribed rituximab IV, will be switched to Riximyo®;
- Each patient will be provided with a letter outlining that they have been switched to Riximyo® and the reasons for the switch. Consumer Medicines Information leaflets will be made available to patients upon request; and
- HPS will generate new streamlined authority prescriptions for the Riximyo® product and send to prescribers to sign and return to HPS for processing.
- HPS has engaged Sandoz to ensure adequate access to erlotinib;
- Erlotinib Sandoz will be listed on the PBS from 1st April 2021; and
- Patients who have been receiving Tarceva® will be switched to Erlotinib Sandoz from the 1st of April and provided a letter outlining the reason for the change in brand.
If you have any queries or concerns regarding this notice, please contact your local oncology team at HPS.
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