Drug Discontinuation
HPS Pharmacies wish to give notice that Mundipharma has advised of the discontinuation of Timoptol-XE® 0.25% eye drops as follows:
Timoptol-XE® 0.25% Eye Drops
Timolol (as maleate) 2.5mg/mL
ARTG 50304
Timoptol-XE® 0.25% will be deleted from the market on 30th November 2019. Timoptol-XE® 0.5% and Timoptol® 0.5% will remain available.
Timoptol-XE® products contain gellan gum and form a gel upon instillation to the conjunctival sac. This increases the contact time of the active ingredient with the eye, allowing once-daily administration. Timoptol® 0.5% is a non-gel forming product that should be administered twice a day.
Retain this notice in a prominent position, including in other related business units for one month. Report any problems identified with medicines, vaccines or medical devices to the TGA.
Should you require further information regarding this matter, please contact Mundipharma on 1800 188 009 or your pharmacist at HPS Pharmacies.
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