HPS Pharmacies wishes to advise that Sanofi Pharmaceuticals are discontinuing ketoprofen capsules as follows:
Oruvail® SR Capsules
Ketoprofen 200mg
ARTG 42422
Orudis® SR Capsules
Ketoprofen 200mg
ARTG 27535
Sanofi estimates that supplies of each brand will be depleted by December 2024.
There is no direct equivalent product available in Australia. Patients are encouraged to speak with their prescriber regarding appropriate clinical alternatives.
Retain this notice in a prominent position, including in other related business units for at least one month. Report any problems identified with medicines, vaccines or medical devices to the TGA.
Should you require further information regarding this matter, please contact Sanofi Pharmaceuticals on 1800 641 791 or your pharmacist at HPS Pharmacies.
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