HPS Pharmacies wish to advise that there is a current disruption to the supply of all strengths of famotidine tablets and nizatidine capsules due to manufacturing issues and increased demand. This is anticipated to continue until at least mid-January 2025. Intermittent supply of both medicines may be available during this time.
Ranitidine 150 mg and 300 mg tablets have been re-registered for use in Australia and may be used as an alternative.
In the event of a complete disruption to the supply of the Australian registered products, international alternatives may be available via the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) Special Access Scheme (SAS).
Retain this notice in a prominent position, including in other related business units until supplies return to normal. Report any problems identified with medicines, vaccines or medical devices to the TGA.
Should you require further information regarding this matter, please contact your pharmacist at HPS Pharmacies.
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