Drug Availability

HPS Pharmacies wish to give notice that Pfizer Australia are experiencing an interruption to the supply of DBL™ Rocuronium Bromide Vials as follows:

DBL™ Rocuronium Bromide Vials
Rocuronium Bromide 50mg/5ml
ARTG 161275  

Normal supplies of DBL™ Rocuronium Bromide 50mg/5ml are expected to return in early March 2020. HPS Pharmacies are able to source an alternative brand for the benefit of our clients. However, this alternative is not an HPS-contracted brand and is high cost in comparison.

Rocuronium is an analogue of vecuronium with a faster onset of action.1 Prescribers may consider switching use to vecuronium, where clinically appropriate, until the shortage is resolved. The product information and relevant guidelines should be reviewed for detailed information on the safe and effective use of these agents.

Retain this notice in a prominent position, including in other related business units until supplies return to normal. Report any problems identified with medicines, vaccines or medical devices to the TGA.

Should you require further information regarding this matter, please contact your pharmacist at HPS Pharmacies, or Pfizer Australia on 1800 629 921.


  1. DBL™ Rocuronium Bromide Injection (Rocuronium bromide) Australian approved product information. Sydney: Pfizer. Approved September 2019.

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