Drug Availability
HPS Pharmacies wish to give notice that Sanofi-Aventis Australia is anticipating a supply interruption for Clexane® prefilled syringes as follows:
Clexane® Syringe
Enoxaparin sodium 20mg/0.2mL
ARTG 221717
Clexane® Syringe
Enoxaparin sodium 40mg/0.4mL
ARTG 221718
Restrictions are likely to be in place at wholesalers until mid-June 2021. This supply interruption only applies to the 20mg and 40mg strengths of Clexane®. Other low molecular weight heparins and unfractionated heparin are also not affected by this notice. HPS Pharmacies has increased holdings of alternative anticoagulant options for the benefit of our clients.
Retain this notice in a prominent position, including in other related business units until supplies return to normal. Report any problems identified with medicines, vaccines or medical devices to the TGA.
Should you require further information regarding this matter, please contact Sanofi-Aventis Australia on (02) 8666 2000 or your pharmacist at HPS Pharmacies.
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