Product Recall
HPS Pharmacies wish to advise that Mayne Pharma, in consultation with the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), have given notice of a product recall for Myxazole® cream as follows:
Myxazole® Cream
Clotrimazole 10mg/g and Hydrocortisone acetate 11.2 mg/g
ARTG 267272
This product recall has been issued following identification of the potential for the cream to separate in the tube. This results in a clear liquid and white cream being present instead of a uniform homogenous white cream. The health risk associated with this issue is low and no adverse effects associated with the product have been reported.
The following batches are affected by this issue:
Batch Number | Expiry Date |
(B)710 | January 2019 |
(B)711 | January 2019 |
(B)728 | April 2019 |
(B)729 | April 2019 |
(B)752 | July 2019 |
(B)753 | July 2019 |
(B)792 | March 2020 |
(B)827 | July 2020 |
(B)842 | September 2020 |
(B)843 | September 2020 |
(B)864 | November 2020 |
(B)865 | November 2020 |
Please inspect your stock and quarantine all tubes from the abovementioned batches. If HPS Pharmacies provide imprest management services to your facility, an HPS representative will inspect all stock stored in the designated imprest areas at the earliest opportunity. All affected products will be quarantined for return to the supplier and HPS Pharmacies will arrange for replacement stock as soon as possible. An HPS Pharmacies staff member will contact senior medical and nursing staff if there is an immediate impact to your facility.
Retain this notice in a prominent position, including in other related business units for one month. Report any problems identified with medicines, vaccines or medical devices to the TGA.
Should you require further information regarding this matter, please contact your pharmacist at HPS Pharmacies, or Mayne Pharma on 1300 081 849.
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