HPS Pharmacies wishes to advise that Novo Nordisk is discontinuing the following insulin products:

Mixtard® 30/70 InnoLet®, 3mL
Insulin neutral human 30 units/mL + Insulin isophane human 70 units/mL
ARTG 169628 

Mixtard® 30/70 Penfill®, 3mL
Insulin neutral human 30 units/mL + Insulin isophane human 70 units/mL
ARTG 169629

 Fiasp® Vials, 10mL
Insulin aspart (rys) 100 units/mL
ARTG 275375

 Fiasp® Flextouch Pens, 3mL
Insulin aspart (rys) 100 units/mL
ARTG 275394

The sponsor has already discontinued Mixtard® 30/70 InnoLet®, although warehouses may still have some remaining stock. Mixtard® 30/70 Penfill® is due to be deleted from the market in October 2024. Once warehouse supplies have been exhausted, no other presentation of Mixtard® 30/70 will be available. Humulin® 30/70 is an alternative brand that remains available in a 10mL vial and 3mL cartridge.

Fiasp® vials are expected to be available until December 2024; Fiasp® Flextouch pre-filled pens are expected to be available until June 2025. Fiasp® will remain available in the Penfill presentation only.

Retain this notice in a prominent position, including in other related business units for at least one month. Report any problems identified with medicines, vaccines or medical devices to the TGA.

Should you require further information regarding this matter, please contact Novo Nordisk on 1800 668 626 or your pharmacist at HPS Pharmacies.

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